Discover More About Us

We are a company that loves quality. We are aware of time constraints, but you will never see any of our products buggy or feature lacking.


Our 4 Steps To Success & Happy Clients

We arrange a meeting with you to understand your problem, we design potential solutions showing pros and cons and we meet again to make a final decision.

  • Meet the team

    Socram is a small company which prefer personal treatment.

    Initial Meeting Understand the problem Propose workarounds

    Sometimes we understand that you can solve the problem without contracting us. And that's fine. We are here to help you and show you the best ways.

  • Detailed Information On What We Do

    We gather together with the team and analyze all your Information. We brainstorm and come up with different solutions.

    BrainStorming Solutions Proposal

    We usually discover a couple of proposals. Those proposals have pros & cons that we detail so you will have the full information to make a choice.

  • Decision Time

    With our project, designs and costs, We show our customers which are the viable options and the opportunities.

    Decision Analysis Price Contract

    Once we agreed on the chosen solution, We have everything ready to draft the contract and send it to you. But let's leave legals to the proper department.

  • We deliver what we love

    We told you that we love quality, don't we? Well, that is what we deliver in the shape the customer wanted.

    Development Quality Software Delivery

    Think it. Build it. Ship it. Love it.

Are You Ready To Work & Develop With Us ?
Don't Hesitate & Contact Us !